Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cowardly Bishops and/or Evil Bishops?

Can. 1369 "A person is to be punished with a just penalty, who, at a public event or assembly, or in a published writing, or by otherwise using the means of social communication, utters blasphemy, or gravely harms public morals, or rails at or excites hatred of or contempt for religion or the Church".

One can only wonder why the above canon has never been applied. Open and flagrant violation of Catholic moral and social teaching is the norm amongst those who are presently canonically Catholic. Any number of polititians (and one can think of innumerable examples) could be sanction, but none have.

Given that that no polititian is sanctioned the question begs to be asked: is Canon 1369 a good law? If so, why is it never applied? If it is not - why is it in the Code?

Recently much has been made over polititians in the United States and Canada scoffing at the Holy Father's reiteration that abortion is an excommunicable offence. A number of brave Catholic writers have even proclaimed that these same polititians are no longer Catholic. Well - yes and no. Juridically they are, spiritually they are not. They are according to moral theology "gravely suspect of heresy" and "impious". But a formal judgment is needed to remove them juridically.

This the bishops refuse to do. And the tragic reality is, that until canonical action is taken against such politicians nothing can be accomplished. And such politicians can always reply to the frustrated layman: "I am in good standing". And canonically, this is absolutely true.

How can this be !? And yet it is. Cowardly, even evil bishops refuse to enact canon law against evil men who openly support abortion and sexual immorality. Priests are persecuted, suspended for speaking out on moral issues, for promoting, for daring to say the Latin Mass, while sexual predators are hidden and protected.

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